Monday, July 31, 2006

Celeste is on her way back!

She's en route, in the air somewhere between Paris and the Bay Area. I'm really excited. She has been gone for a year studying at the CCMIX in Paris. I keep up with her blog, which is superb (see link at right), but it's not the same as having her here in person.

She has gigs coming up in the Bay Area, too! On August 3rd, she'll perform her new laptop music at the Luggage Store Gallery. On August 6th, she'll be part of the revolving cast of characters at the Skronkathon, this time improvising on the tuba. I've never actually heard her tuba playing...

She'll be here just for a month, then it's off to Den Haag for the Sonology course. So I guess there's no hope of enticing her back into her bass guitar-playing Company slot. Alas.

Maybe she can go with me to Phil Gelb's next vegan cooking glass, though. That would rock. Phil's first class was a kick. It featured the following:

  • Fresh-squeezed lime-ade
  • Roasted corn salad
  • Sauteed collard greens with kalamata olives, capers, a shallot, garlic, etc.
  • Skillet corn bread
  • Pistachio-crusted tempeh with an amazing Japanese gravy
  • Vegan chocolate mousse

All of it tasted awesome and made me feel like I'd done my body a favor. So maybe Celeste will be able to share the next one with me.

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